Here are we, from left to right: Liisa, Matti, Sinikka and Reijo. Taken in Öland in summer 2001.The "Finnish orchid conservation group"

Some years ago I, Matti, reseived a call. It was from a woman, who had read my writings of Finnish orchids from the Orkidealehti, member newsletter of Finnish orchid society. That lady, Sinikka Schönberg, asked if we could meet and talk about these plants. That we did, and soon we already were good friends. Little later I met some friends of Sinikka´s. They all were members of "Espoon ympäristöyhdistys", an nature protector group in Espoo, city next to Helsinki. That group had also seen many orchids in Espoo. In the following summer we already sow many orchids in Finland. We became good friends, and we were all the time looking for new species of orchids. During summer 2001, we went to many places, including Sweden and to city of Lappeenranta, with Sinikka Schönberg, Reijo Turunen, Liisa Salonen and Matti Niissalo. Next summer won´t be less active ain any ways. We have already desided many trips to next summer, some of which we can´t possibly get time to. 

We would also like to start conservation work of orchids. We are intrested in any tips in this matter. It is even possible, that we start a society of our own, if we just can get large enough group of people. If you are an orchid-hobbyist, who would be intrested in seeing our orchids in your summer vacation, you may contact us. Also, if you have some ideas of protecting orchids, we are wery intrested in hearing your ideas. We are also looking for people who could grow the seeds we collect into plants. We beliewe that for example Gymnadenia conopsea and Coeloglossum viride, perhaps also Liparis loeselii and Calypso bulbosa must be started to be grown in this way, if we want them to grow here still after few decates. Yet, if you have plants which you know to be from Finnish origin, let us know. Exspecially, f anyone would has collected Herminium monorchis into his or her garden from Finland (althought I doupt that...), please do not be afraid to send us e-mail! 
But of course we cannot start protecting orchids until we will get information and some practical scills for this job. 

We will also make some trips in sumer 2002, which we can accept one or few extra people!  

 These pages have been made and updated by Matti Niissalo,