Dactylorhiza lapponica, lapinkämmekkä

Occuring in Finland. In the minds of most orchid-scientifics D. lapponica has now had a value of species. It clearly looks like D. traunsteineri and tbhey were preiviously set under the same species. This plant is also known as D. pseudocordigera

The stem is guite thin and hollow., reddish brown from the upper parts. The leaves are oval, longish and the flower are similar to ones of D. traunsteineri. But this species has fewer flowers and they are karger than D. incarnata´s. From that species it can also be told apart by the darker, more broad leaves than D. traunsteineri has. From D. cruenta this can be separated as D. lapponica does not usually have spots in the both  sides of the leaves, and D. cruenta is also more handsome species with more flowers. 

As the name tells, this species grows in Lapland. There is no clear picture of that where it grows in. At least in Sweden this species can already form red marshes with its flowers. The species needs lime. 

Does anyone have a photo of this species? 

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 These pages has been made and updated by Matti Niissalo, sophronitis@yahoo.com