aphyllum, metsänemä
This species is perhaps the most exiting of all Finnish orchids. It flowers
seldom, usually only every ten or 20 years, in most places it has only
been seen onse. In Kuusamo, Keminmaa, Parainen and in Linnansaari national
park in Savonlinna it flowers more regularly. The plant grows in old, mossy
woods, but it is possible to meet it in other areas, too.
This species is rarely seen, and if someone has seen it, he/she has propably
done that only once. I belong to the majority, I have not sen this plant
yet. I have seeked it from one of my fawourite orchid-sites, a protected
spring-area in Nurmijärvi (where I live in). It was seen in there
in 60´s, but has never shown up after that. It is possible that Epipogium
has died from area near to our capital.
The species is protected by law in whole Finland but not in Ahvenanmaa.
It flowers in July and August.
It is possible that Epipogium would try to grow buds in many
years, but if the conditions are bad in any way, it can´t get into
flower. The species has branched rhizome. Some cases are known of plants
which have flovered under groud. It is propably very rare and only happens
when a bract or stone comes to the way of a growing plant.
The species is small, only about 10 cm (4") heigh, but it has large
flowers. It is one of the largest-flowered of Finnish orchids.
Does anyone have a photo of this species?